– Our part in building trust in naturopathy –
An ever growing number of people are interested in alternatives to conventional medicine because they want to be seen as a “whole” person rather than a „collection of organs“. Nevertheless, there are still many people who are skeptical of natural medicine. This is quite understandable since the differences between effective natural treatments and unnecessary “hocus pocus” can sometimes be difficult to recognize.
The best way to change attitudes toward natural medicine is through research based on scientific principles, because significant results will build trust. Unfortunately, little research in the field of natural medicine has been carried out thus far. One reason for this is that natural active ingredients often cannot be patented. Therefore, large companies cannot count on sufficient profits to justify the effort. Smaller companies, on the other hand, often do not possess the resources required for high quality research.
As a young and innovative company, Syntrion GmbH is committed to natural healing methods as well as research. To make this intention a reality Syntrion initiated a research program in cooperation with Professor Dr. Christopher Gerner at the University of Vienna’s Institute for Analytical Chemistry (formerly at the Cancer Research Institute of the Medical University of Vienna), along with the drug development program back in 2006. This cooperation allows Syntrion to work in a scientific environment with high-tech devices such as mass spectrometers and databases which are generally restricted to pharmaceutical giants with multimillion dollar revenues.
Using evidence-based methods such as gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry, Prof. Dr. Gerner – a professor of separation and bioanalysis techniques – is studying the effect Syntrion’s substances have on cells known to control inflammatory processes, including endothelial cells, fibroblasts, and HUVEC cells.
Clinical observations: gathering indispensable knowledge
In addition to laboratory research, Syntrion strives to integrate the experiences of therapists and clinicians who work with SyLine remedies on a daily basis. Their observations are the foundation for Syntrion’s scientific studies and goal-oriented research because many therapists working on a naturopathic basis are masters of observation. By spending more time with the patient instead of using only highly technical diagnosis machines, naturopathic therapists often recognize medical connections decades before they are „discovered“ and accepted by conventional medicine. As scientific research is nothing more than precise observation with subsequent revision and analysis, Syntrion wants to continue working with these clinical pioneers in order to tap into their vast experience and to support it through scientific studies. Syntrion is convinced that patient compliance is improved and that trust in naturopathy is strengthened by research using scientifically accepted methods.
Perspective: where Syntrion stands with its research today
The anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and immune-regulating effect of the SyLine metabolites was discovered by investigating the microbial metabolites’ influence on various types of human cells, such as immune and endothelial cells. The next step involves analysis and publication of the results. The results for SyCircue have been published in the peer-reviewed science journal PLOS ONE (Link to the open access publication). After these preliminary tasks, pilot studies can be conducted. This will ultimately lead to Phase III studies and beyond if the research continues to yield such highly promising results.
Our goal at Syntrion is for German homeopathic and Biological Medicine to be recognized in mainstream medicine. This is why scientific research is the foundation of Syntrion’s approach to German Homeopathic and Biological Medicine.